Awareness-raising on the Role of Men as Agents of Change in Reconciling Work and Welfare (GENDERWISE)

Project Leader

 Haroon Saad (QeC-ERAN)

Consortium members

10 members from the EU


Takács, Judit

Head of Research (Insitute of Sociology, HAS)

Takács, Judit

Participants (Insitute of Sociology, HAS)

Takács, Judit
Acsády, Judit
Dupcsik, Csaba
Neményi, Mária
Tóth, Olga

The research

Awareness-raising on the role of men as agents of change in reconciling work and welfare (via producing local mapping and local action plans). The role and responsibilities of men in equal gender opportunities. Comparative international project.
