Good Practice in Practice. Transferability of Innovative Innitiatives for Migrant Integration in Europe

Project Leader

FIERI, International and European Forum of Migration Research


Roberta Ricucci (FIERI)


Local Government of Torino
Associazione salesiana di animazione interculturale (ASAI)
Swiss forum for Migration (SFM)

Participant (Institute of Sociology, HAS)

Messing, Vera

The research

This project proposes that a) two selected cities (Geneva as centre of integration of immigrant students and Budapest as centre of integration of Roma children) with sound experiences in promoting and inventing integration measures should evaluate good practices in education field and should define if these practices could be transferred; b) a city (Turin), latecomer to migrants integration, should experiment some of such measures. Municipalities - also mid-sized cities - which are willing to participate in the project must specify necessary rules and conditions for the implementation of the empirical test of transferability of a measure. The urban level, however, has to be considered within its regional, national and European context: opportunities and constraints under which the cities can promote integration policies and measures have to be analysed. The selected best practices in Geneva and Budapest will be presented to Turin Municipality's Educational Services Department to take necessary administrative measures to implement the good practices whose transfer will be decided to test.