Karolina Balogh

Karolina Balogh
Download CV Junior Research Fellow (TK SZI)
Research Interests

Karolina Balogh is a junior Research Fellow at the at the Center of Social Sciences, Budapest. She is pursuing her PhD studies in the Criminology Programme of the Doctoral School of Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of law. Her PhD research focuses on the role and potential of the child protection system in the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Her main research interests also focus on child protection and children's rights, but she is also interested in social inequalities, social mobility and social integration. In 2019, she was awarded the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and in 2022, she received a research fellowship from the New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP).

Selected Publications

Győri, Ágnes –  Huszár, Ákos – Balogh, Karolina (2022): Resistance to Change: Intergenerational Class Mobility in Hungary, 1973–2018. Sociological Research Online. https://doi.org/10.1177/13607804221084727

Balogh Karolina (2022): Szubjektív jóllét és szabadidő – A 15–17 évesek szabadidős tevékenységeinek és az élettel való elégedettségüknek összefüggései. Esély. 33(2) 65-82. https://doi.org/10.48007/esely.2022.2.4

Balog Karolina (2022): „Hiszen ez egy gyermekvédelmi intézkedés”: A megelőző pártfogás működésének értékelése a végrehajtásáért felelős szakemberek véleményének tükrében. Kriminológiai Közlemények 82. 99-114.

Győri, Ágnes –  Huszár, Ákos – Balogh, Karolina (2021): Differences in the Domestic Energy Consumption in Hungary: Trends between 2006–2017. Energies, 14 (20), 6718. (IF: 3,004) https://doi.org/10.3390/en14206718

Balogh, Karolina –  Gregorits, Péter –  Rácz, Andrea (2018): The Situation of the Child Welfare System in Hungary,  In: MIRDEC-10th International Academic Conference Global and Contemporary Trends in Social Science : (Global Meeting of Social Science Community) Barcelona, Spanyolország: Masters International Research& Development Center, pp. 87-96.


Research Projects

COVID epidemic - social inequalities and integration, MTA (PI: Kovách Imre), participating researcher

To help or to be helped? Professional working conditions, mental health and mobility in the social sector, NKFIH FK138315, (PI: Győri Ágnes), participating researcher

Child Protection In Schools: The Factors Driving School Personnel's Reporting Behaviour, NKFIH K_143593 (PI: Kopasz Marianna) participating researcher

The changing significance of class in comparative perspective, NKFIH FK131997 (PI: Huszár Ákos), participating researcher