Kóczé Angéla 2013 június-júliusi előadásai Amszterdamban, Budapesten, Kőszegen és Saint-Etienne-ben

"Zone of Invisibility: Gendered Existence of Roma in the Time of Stringent Reforms and Austerity Measures", 20th International Conference of Europeanists: “Crisis and contingency: States of (in)stability” Amsterdam, The Netherlands • June 25-27, 2013

"Civil society evolvement and development regarding Roma participation and issues in Central and South-Eastern European countries", European Comission and University of Corvinus: Citizenship in the European Union: Twenty years after Maastricht, 27-28 June 2013, Budapest and Köszeg, Hungary

"The utilization of Gender and Subaltern Studies in the course of the Romani knowledge production: Who define the scientific canon? Whose science? Who will benefit from it?", Second Summer Campus on Romani Studies 8 - 12 July 2013 / Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France